Along with communities leading their own development
Is working towards a United World a utopia? This is the question that the founders of AMU asked themselves well over thirty years ago, in a world completely different from the one we live in today. Now as then, the dream of unity was the goal to strive for in order to overcome the injustices and imbalances that afflict different peoples and nations – as well as classes or social strata within them – generating marginality and exclusion. What Pope Francis today calls the peripheries.
Hence the ideal of universal brotherhood that becomes an experience to embrace every human being and make us rediscover members of the one great human family, beyond all affiliations, beliefs, status.
How we work
We see each person as the custodian of enormous potential and talents, and at the same time as the bearer of needs to be satisfied in order to be fully realized and thus contribute to the human and social development of their community. For us, human development is a path of integral growth, which is accomplished when all dimensions of the person find fulfillment: physical, psychological, social and spiritual. The dimension of mutual giving is the key to this development process, in which each person can receive what they need and at the same time give in turn what they have: not benefactors and beneficiaries, but many sisters and brothers inserted in this “circuit of universal brotherhood”. We believe, in short, in a development of communion between people and peoples.
The Organization
The Shareholders’ Meeting
The Assembly is made up of the members of the Association and meets at least once a year. It is the body responsible for defining the operational guidelines and activity programmes of the Association, appointing the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Supervisory Body, deliberating on the budget and making changes to the Statute ( art. 11 Statute ).
Governing board
It is the body responsible for carrying out whatever is necessary to implement the statutory purposes and what is decided by the Assembly. Its members remain in office for 3 years and can be re-elected ( art. 12 of the Statute ).
Components of the three-year period 2022-2025
Board of Control
The Board of Control supervises compliance with the law and the Statute and compliance with the principles of correct administration, as well as the adequacy of the organizational, administrative and accounting structure and its actual functioning. The Board of Control also exercises monitoring duties regarding compliance with civic, solidarity and social utility purposes, certifies that the Social Balance Sheet – in the event that its drafting is mandatory or is deemed appropriate – has been drafted in compliance with ministerial guidelines, provides for management control and the review of the Balance Sheet. ( art. 14 Statute ).


Anna Marenchino
Administration and Human Resources

Gianluca Quadrano

Giuliana Sampugnaro
Communication and fundraising

Serena Marincolo

Stefania Nardelli

Michela Micocci
Institutional fundraising

Rosanna Foderà
Development Cooperation

Tamara Awwad

Emanuela Castellano

Tainã Santana

Lia Guillén Sugastti
Global citizenship education

Katiuscia Carnà

Joseph Konah Koroma

Carlos Palma
In this section you can find documents related to the management of AMU. In addition to the Balance Sheet and the Activity Report, approved by the Board of Directors and the members with the relative summaries, you will find the declarations required by law for some types of contributions received.
Ethics Code
Child protection
Social Impact Assessment
Report and Statement 5 x 1000 AF2020
Report and Statement 5 x 1000 AF2022
Mission report
Balance sheet
Supervisory body report
Auditor's report
Social report
Public revenue
Social balance sheet
Budget and mission report
Auditor's report
Supervisory body report
Social report
Budget and mission report
Auditor's report
Supervisory body report
PA Contributions
Social report
2020 budget
Supplementary note
Supervisory body report
PA Contributions
2019 report
2019 budget
Supplementary note
Board of Auditors
PA Contributions
2018 report
2018 budget
Supplementary note
Board of Auditors
PA Contributions

Our partners
For the realization of projects in Italy and abroad, AMU collaborates with: