The most famous pastry chef in Baniyas

Rose can count on a new oven obtained thanks to the precious support of RestarT
The impossibility of working in Baniyas

“I started working in the confectionery industry three years ago, making cakes and various sweets. Sometimes I also decorated candles for special occasions.” Rose, the most famous pastry chef in Baniyas - SyriaThus begins the story of Rose, a woman from Baniyas, mother of three children who makes sweets at home for a living.

However, these have been three difficult years for his work, especially because in Syria it is impossible to count on a continuous supply of electricity: electricity is available only a few hours a day , with all the complications that this entails for a business that instead needs it continuously to survive.

RestarT’s support

But Rose had no intention of giving up: “When I heard about the Restart program, I applied – she recalls – I needed an oven and a generator to provide electricity. Previously, my customers had to place orders three or four days in advance so they could be completed on time due to the lack of electricity.” . And he adds, with a hint of satisfaction: “Now I no longer have time problems and I process orders the same day they arrive.”

Thanks to RestarT, in fact, Rose received a new oven to dedicate exclusively to baking cakes and a generator. These two new pieces of equipment have made the woman’s small business her strong point: “I have become the most famous pastry chef in Baniyas”. In fact, her confectionery creations have also crossed the borders of Syria , reaching as far as Lebanon and Abu Dhabi.

New plans for the future in his Baniyas

Now that Rose can count on a bigger income than before, she has new ideas for the future. Rose, the most famous pastry chef in Baniyas - SyriaFirst of all, the opening of a real shop : “I could expand the production of sweets, make more and different ones, and it will be possible to find, in my shop, any type of delight: cakes, biscuits, donuts.

I also want to add small souvenirs such as decorated candles to the sale, so that I can offer the customer a complete service for every occasion.”

And reciprocity?

When she can, when she sees the right opportunity, Rose tries to support others: “There are people who bring me raw materials, eggs and flour, and ask me to make a cake for them. I make it without asking for any compensation .” . He thus reciprocates the help received from RestarT .

A dream come true thanks to RestarT

“My dream was for this project to become big and, thank God, thanks to RestarT , my dream has come true. Over time you will be surprised by the continuous development of my business.” Word of Rose.

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