
Your donations support our development projects. Help us bring concrete actions where there is a need for brotherhood and solidarity and where people are most fragile and in difficulty.


In countries with greater economic difficulties, addressing people and communities in situations of vulnerability, AMU offers income generation programs based on the capabilities and aspirations of the direct protagonists.

AMU seeks to build, through collaboration with local partners, programs and interventions so that each individual can find their own way through a dignified, safe and fair-wage work activity (as an employee or small business owner).

Since its inception and especially in the last 10 years with the collaboration of Economy of Communion companies, we have developed specific methodologies and tools for the creation of dignified and inclusive work.

All this is possible thanks to intervention programs to strengthen professional skills, guide job placement, find financial opportunities for new businesses and accompany new entrepreneurs on their initial journey.

Discover all the projects for work


There can be no development, peace and social justice until the fundamental rights of the individual are guaranteed; first and foremost, those of living in good health and being able to count on adequate and sufficient nutrition.

AMU supports, through constant collaboration with local institutions and associations, programs that concern both the creation of infrastructures to guarantee a good quality of life (such as projects for the construction of aqueducts and sanitation services to guarantee access to drinking water) and awareness and training courses for communities on: correct nutrition, personal and local hygiene, personal care and attention to one’s health.

Discover all the health protection projects


To support the growth, awareness and self-determination paths of each person, AMU focuses on study assistance and professional training programs.

Over the years, AMU has carried out projects to ensure school attendance and combat the dropout rate among those young people who, in very difficult situations, would not have been able to afford it.

Being able to support a girl or a boy in their educational path means supporting them in the free and conscious construction of their own future, offering them assistance in the most delicate moments and providing the right support to make the most important choices.

Our commitment in this field ranges from the programs for deaf-mute children at the EHIS school in Syria, to the scholarships funded over the years with the “Brotherhood with Africa” program, to the job training courses that AMU promotes and supports throughout the world.

Discover all the education and global citizenship projects


The outbreak of a war, an epidemic, an environmental disaster can bring entire populations to their knees and make their effects felt in the immediate and long term.

AMU has always been involved in the management of humanitarian emergencies through first aid programs for families: from direct economic support to psychological and social support and assistance. In collaboration with NGOs, associations or with local Focolare Movement representatives, AMU manages first emergency interventions, always taking into account the needs and real requirements of the affected populations, and considering possible developments from the start to set up recovery and reconstruction programs.

Discover all the emergency actions

Your fundraising campaign

Want to make an event in your life special? Make it a “charity event”…

…and make a donation to AMU projects to remember that day. Ask your friends to donate your gift to an AMU project: it will be a new way to experience solidarity and friendship.

1. Choose the occasion

Any occasion is good to start a solidarity campaign such as a birthday or a wedding.

2. Create your campaign

It’s easy: register and customise your page with photos and campaign details.

3. Encourage donations

Share your campaign among friends, colleagues and family.
