Hadi found his voice in Homs

In war-torn Syria, a 4-year-old boy begins a journey of hope thanks to the intervention of Seeds of Hope, which allowed him to discover and treat a previously ignored hearing problem.
Hadi’s Life in Homs

Little Hadi is four and a half years old. His family lives in Homs, one of the largest cities in Syria. Hadi's story in Homs, with the support of Seeds of Hope

The economic conditions are not good at all, the income is not enough to cover the needs of Hadi and the other family members and this has not allowed his parents to better face some of the difficulties that the child has shown since he was very young.

The Silence of Hadi

Hadi, in fact, did not speak. He couldn’t get his voice out. The medical visits he had undergone until last year were useless: after all, public health in Syria is devastated by wars and economic crises and finding specialized doctors is almost impossible. According to the United Nations, poverty in the country affects about 90% of the population , who are not even able to meet basic needs, such as food, health and education. Hadi’s mother could not find a solution. However, when she took the child to the after-school program in Homs “Generation of Hope” , unexpectedly something changed: Hadi’s real problem emerged, and at the same time, the child began a support program.

Change thanks to “Generation of Hope”

“Generation of Hope” is one of the centers that the project Seeds of Hope supports in Homs as a way to basic education. Hadi's story in Homs, with the support of Seeds of HopeHere, children marked by suffering and trauma are welcomed. Hadi was entrusted to the care of speech therapist Rana Elias, who immediately realized that the child suffered from hearing problems. A subsequent audiogram confirmed the diagnosis . Hadi was provided with a hearing aid, which opened the door to a significant improvement in his speech.

A New Beginning for Hadi and His Family in Homs

He doesn’t speak well yet, he can’t pronounce all the words, but the speech therapists at the center are optimistic and are working to ensure that Hadi makes further progress. And his mother, finally, can be more serene.

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