We help 116 Syrian families meet their basic needs by supporting them in managing and implementing income-generating activities.

€123.768 donated
0 Donors

The Syrian crisis began on March 15, 2011; since then, years of war have followed that have tormented the country, bringing with them serious psychological, economic and social repercussions. With no prospect of reconstruction or economic recovery, families have seen their conditions worsen: it is estimated that 90% of the population lives below the poverty line.   https://youtu.be/gKW2TnonhmM?si=3ObGJTya2A1_qziR  In this context, the idea of starting a project that creates job opportunities suitable for the current Syrian market and able to guarantee a minimum income to people, thus helping them in a concrete way to stay in the country, was born. The RestarT project (Restart to Remain) It is aimed at those who have experience in the field of production and/or commercial activities, but lost everything during the war and are now unemployed. In this way, those who have a project will have support to realize it, improve their economic conditions and contribute to the reconstruction of the country after the war. The beneficiaries receive capital goods and everything necessary to start their own business; after the training and verification process, they return 50% of what they received in money and the remainder in the form of goods and services, that they themselves commit to offering to the community. Each one can, for example, offer a job, or training courses in their field, in order to help those in need to start or improve their business. In three years we have launched 83 micro-entrepreneurial projects in three different cities (Homs, Aleppo and Banias) and since June 2024 33 new projects have started in the city of Homs. The success of RestarT is due in particular to the bi-weekly support carried out by local teams for each individual project, through which technical support in the entrepreneurial field and psychosocial support is offered.

Made with the contribution of EdC – Economy of Communion.

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