With this project we want to support the training of operators and managers of the nascent savings and credit cooperative, members of microcredit groups and their work to support new groups during 2024.

€19.173 donated
0 Donors

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR4FD1lx_D4t=7s  In 2015, a group of volunteers from the Focolare Movement in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, joined together to create a savings group according to the rules of AVEC (Association Villageoise D’Epargne Et de Crédit). The following year 2 more groups were born, all coordinated by the local Economy of Communion Association AECOM. In 2022 the groups became 9, with 259 members, reaching a savings of 51,300 dollars. 2023 instead focused on the creation of a savings cooperative, UNO Financial Cooperative, formed by 58 founding members, most of whom belong to savings groups. In the first phase, the training courses necessary for the opening of the cooperative were carried out. Now the documentation is expected to be presented to the central bank of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the approval process of the UNO Financial Cooperative. In 2024, the training of members of microcredit groups and multipliers continues, and thanks to you we will be able to support new groups. Made with the contribution of EdC – Economy of Communion.

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